At Savvy Money Hacks, we uphold a stringent editorial policy. We never accept payment for endorsing or reviewing any product or service, and we do not permit advertisers to feature paid content on our platforms.
Savvy Money Hacks is an independent entity. We only highlight companies and products that we believe are valuable for you, the consumer. We do generate revenue from links and offers provided by certain companies and deals featured on our platforms. For instance, you may come across a roundup of deals or a page comparing and reviewing credit cards, with links to specific products or cards within the content. Following the publication of the content, our advertising team may review and update the links to products or sites that offer us a commission for acquiring a customer. It’s important to note that many of the retailers/banks listed on those pages may have no affiliation with us, and therefore, we do not receive any compensation from them. Savvy Money Hacks does not cover the entirety of available credit or financial offers on our platforms.
While this helps us sustain our operations, your trust in us remains our top priority and always will be.